How to best use Super Greensand®:

Lawns: Use 44 lbs per 1000 square feet. Water thoroughly.
Flowers & Vegetables: Use 10 lb per 1000 square feet.
Roses & Shrubbery: Use 20 lbs per 1000 square feet.
Citrus & Trees: Spread under tree canopy at the rate of 10 lb per 1000 square feet. Work into soil and water thoroughly.
Field crops: Use 100-300 lbs per acre. For annual maintenance, use 50-200 lbs per acre or according to needs based on soil quality.

Spread Super Greensand® evenly over the entire area.
Works best when Super Greensand® is incorporated into the soil beforeseeding or planting

Choose your grade

Micronized, 10lb or 44lb
Fine powder where 90% of the particles will pass through a 100-mesh screen and 60% of the particles will pass through a 200-mesh screen. Ideal for soil mixes, irrigation and hydroponic systems, soil mixes blending, home gardens and potted plants.

Granular, 44lb
Granulated from powder, easy-to-handle, nutrients are released according to the needs of the plants. Ideal for broadcast spreading, fertilizer blends and starter fertilizers

Powder, 44lb
Currently only avaliable in Asia on order 50% of the particles will pass through a 100-mesh screen and 20% of the particles will pass through a 200-mesh screen. For rapid and longer-term results, is suitable for agriculture and gardens, potting soils, soil mixes and composting.
If you compost, you should be adding Super Greensand®

Helps maintain adequate moisture during the composting process by absorbing liquids and nutrients Absorbs ammonia, increasing compost nitrogen content Improves physical consistency for more effective compost aeration Provides additional potassium for composting microorganisms

Low salt promotes healthier soils
The use of chemical fertilizers increases the effect of salinity in the soils. The presence of salts in water and soil reduce the availability of water to the plants at the point where crop yields are affected. Growth and yield decrease gradually with the increase of salinity because plants need more energy to extract water from the soil.

The higher the salt index, the higher the fertilizer "burn" potential. ​
Super Greensand®’s salinity index is very low when compared to chemical fertilizers:
Salt index
Potassium chloride
Sodium nitrate
Ammonium sulfate
Potassium sulfate
Super Greensand®
Did you know? Potassium chloride (KCl) has one of the highest salt indexes of all commercial fertilizers.

​ The salt index of table salt (sodium chloride) is 153.
We help you to be green

100% natural source of glauconite, no additives, no dilutions, no blends

Organic approved OMRI and CDFA listed

Avoids phosphorus runoff, protecting water quality

Adds no salt or chlorine to the soil

Unlike chemical fertilizers, does not burn roots

Is not harmful to Humans, pets, insects, soil organisms or plants
You help us to protect a forest
As part of our commitment to a greener Planet, verde own over 21 million ft² of pristine tropical rainforest in Brazil that will be protected and completely help offset CO2 emissions incurred in the distribution of Super Greensand®. In our tropical forest sanctuary, there are thousands of trees and hundreds of different animal species, including several endangered. Best Garden State are planning a similar initiative in Thailand where we will restore natural rainforests with funding from our sales from Super Greensand in Asia and Oceania.